1971 Official Selection, film index



  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

"The idea of a composite work, a puzzle and the ideal solution for clear minded lovers of parallel worlds that complement each other." (Robert Benayoun)

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Patchwork

    Directed by: Manuel OTÉRO, Daniel SUTER, Claude LUYET, , Georges SCHWIZGEBEL

    Country: France

    Year of production: 1970

    Running time: 18 min

  • Technique


    Techniques used: diverse techniques

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Manuel OTÉRO, Daniel SUTER, Claude LUYET, , Georges SCHWIZGEBEL

    Production: CINÉMATION

    Animation: Manuel Otéro, Daniel Suter, Claude Luyet, Gérald Poussin, Georges Schwizgebel

    Music: Groupe Clinic