2009 Official Selection, film index

Chelovek s vetrom v golove
The True Story of the Fan Man

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Exploring the theme of crowds and false idols, a surreal and philosophical look at a character who has lived a pointless life, failing to change anything in his destiny, even in a moment of glory.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Chelovek s vetrom v golove

    Directed by: Pavel SUKHIKH (DIT HEHOOS)

    Country: Russia

    Year of production: 2007

    Running time: 05 min 06 s

  • Technique


    Techniques used: drawing on paper

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Pavel SUKHIKH (DIT HEHOOS)

    Production: SCHOOL-STUDIO "SHAR", Lyubov GAIDUKOVA

    Distribution: SCHOOL-STUDIO "SHAR", Evgeniya GUREVICH

    Script: Hehoos

    Graphics: Konstantin Komardin, Hehoos

    Storyboard: Konstantin Komardin, Hehoos

    Animation: Konstantin Komardin, Hehoos

    Music: Pyotr Tihonov

    Sound: Seldom

    Editing: Aleksey Melnikov

    Voice: Hehoos