1998 Official Selection, film index

Volshebnaj svirel
The Magic Reed-Pipe

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

There is a nation in the Caucasus mountains called the Ossetes. Let this beautiful Caucasian legend flow into the wild river of human memory.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Volshebnaj svirel

    Directed by: Mikhail TUMELIA

    Country: Russia

    Year of production: 1998

    Running time: 52 min

  • Technique


    Techniques used: puppets

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Mikhail TUMELIA

    Production: FAF ENTERTAINMENT, INC., Sergey ZERNOV

    Distribution: FAF ENTERTAINMENT, INC., Sergey ZERNOV

    Based on: Mikhail Tumelya

    Script: Vladimir Genkin

    Graphics: Dimitry Surinovitch

    Storyboard: Mikhail Tumelya

    Sets: Dimitry Surinovitch

    Camera: Alexander Betev

    Music: G. Plieva, Jiri Prialkin

    Sound: Jan Potochkij

    Editing: Lipia Volohova

    Voice: Rudolf Pankov