2002 Official Selection, film index

White Oak

White Oak

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Once upon a time, there was a great white oak who had a soul, and a writer who associated with it. One day, the white oak was shivering with fear. The writer learns that woodcutters were chopping down the trees in the woods in order to make a road. The writer tries to impede their work. The road construction finally reaches the white oak and the oak falls, sacrificing itself to stop the progression of the road.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: White Oak

    Directed by: Kyeong-suk KIM

    Country: South Korea

    Year of production: 2001

    Running time: 09 min 20 s

  • Technique


    Techniques used: 2D computer

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Kyeong-suk KIM


    Distribution: INDIESTORY, INC., Jenna KU

    Script: Kyeong-suk Kim

    Graphics: Kyeong-suk Kim

    Animation: Kyeong-suk Kim, Ju-young Ahn, Eun-jung Park

    Music: Hyuk-gi Kim

    Sound: Joon-taek Nah

    Editing: Kyeong-suk Kim