2010 Official Selection, film index

Les Minijusticiers

Les Minijusticiers "Super Tomate"
The Miniavengers

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Mini problems, maxi powers... We'll each be the hero one day! Or how does my little flaw transform into a formidable power and make me the hero of the day!

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Les Minijusticiers "Super Tomate"

    Directed by: Norman J. LEBLANC

    Country: France

    Year of production: 2009

    Running time: 08 min × 78 episodes

  • Technique

    Category: TV serie

    Techniques used: drawing on paper, 2D computer

    Version: Version originale française

    Process: Colour

    Target public: 6-8 years, 9-11 years

  • Credits

    Directed by: Norman J. LEBLANC

    Production: FUTURIKON, Philippe DELARUE

    Distribution: FUTURIKON, Fazia MADOUNI

    Based on: "Les minijusticiers", Zep et Hélène Bruller

    Artistic direction: Norman J. Leblanc

    Script: Vincent Costi

    Storyboard: Futurikon

    Sets: Laurent Balaven

    Animation: Fantasia

    Music: Hervé Lavandier