Dimitri à Ubuyu

Dimitri à Ubuyu

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

One day, Dimitri, the little bird from northern Europe, landed on the plains of Ubuyu in Africa after a storm separated him from his parents. Every day, he learns to overcome his fears in order to discover a world full of surprises.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Dimitri à Ubuyu

    Directed by: Agnès LECREUX, Fabien DROUET, Ben TESSEUR, Steven DE BEUL

    Country: Belgium, France, Switzerland

    Year of production: 2014

    Running time: 26 min

  • Technique

    Category: TV special

    Techniques used: animated objects

    Version: Version originale française sous-titrée anglais

    Process: Colour

    Target public: , Preschool

  • Credits

    Directed by: Agnès LECREUX, Fabien DROUET, Ben TESSEUR, Steven DE BEUL

    Production: VIVEMENT LUNDI !, Jean-François LE CORRE, NADASDY FILM, Nicolas BURLET, Steven DE BEUL, Ben TESSEUR


    Script: Matthieu Chevallier, Agnès Lecreux

    Storyboard: Diego Zamora

    Music: Hans Helewaut