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Is it Necessary to Learn About Real-time to Work in Animation?

  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Speakers
  4. Moderator

Real-time is a technique that was previously used in video games that is increasingly being used in animation filmmaking.

This conference, organised by the RECA, enables students to better understand the impact of this evolution within the context of filmmaking, and its creative processes, to appreciate the challenges faced, and evaluate the importance of learning about it.

Session in French only


  • Mathieu MULLER
    Mathieu MULLER

    Product Manager
    Unity 3D

  • Philippe REBOURS
    Philippe REBOURS

    Technical Acct Manager
    Epic games

  • Michaël BOLUFER
    Michaël BOLUFER

  • Pierre-Marie BOYÉ
    Pierre-Marie BOYÉ
