Immortelle - Photo pour actu sélection officielle VR

2023 VR Works Official Selection


Le Festival d’Annecy dévoile la dernière partie de sa Sélection officielle en compétition 2023 : les Œuvres VR

Explore the Official Selection’s VR Works.

The VR Works’ selection committee for the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, composed of Gala Frecon and Yves Nougarède, selected 7 immersive works to compete in this category. These VR Works are the final part to the Official Selection for the Festival’s 2023 edition.

This year, we invite you to discover 7 immersive works among the 91 submitted from 26 different countries. Six nationalities are represented in this selection.

The programme will showcase experimental virtual reality with these ambitious, empirical and musical works, which will share the line-up with films addressing crucial and challenging issues. These topics will involve struggles, abortion rights and the pursuit of idealism. You will embark on a journey at the nexus of the virtual and imaginary, while witnessing the impact of these works on the real world."
Gala Frecon and Yves Nougarède, Selection Committee

These VR Works will be available to discover and try out from 12th to 16th June 2023 in the Salle de Création in Bonlieu. Free admission, reservation required.
