1993 Official Selection, film index

La vera storia di Kamillo Kromo
The true story of Kamillo Kromo

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

How chameleons learned to change their colours to save themselves from being eaten. But one young chameleon has trouble master this all important technique.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: La vera storia di Kamillo Kromo

    Directed by: Enzo D'ALÒ

    Country: Italy

    Year of production: 1993

    Running time: 28 min

  • Technique


    Techniques used: pencil on paper, 2D computer

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Enzo D'ALÒ

    Production: LANTERNA MAGICA S.R.L., Maria FARES

    Distribution: LANTERNA MAGICA S.R.L., Maria FARES

    Graphics: Enzo d’Alo