2003 Official Selection, film index

La nuit s'anime

La nuit s’anime “Le TV-Path”

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Night after night, a killer goes into the same room with the sole intention of killing its occupant. Nothing seems to be able to disrupt the deep sleep of the young man. Even if the serial killer uses the most terrifying strategies, his stupidity, doubles to an unbelievable clumsiness, preventing him from achieving his goal.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: La nuit s’anime “Le TV-Path”

    Directed by: Bruno COLLET, Benjamin BOTELLA

    Country: France

    Year of production: 2002

    Running time: 32 s

  • Technique


    Techniques used: puppets

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Bruno COLLET, Benjamin BOTELLA

    Production: VIVEMENT LUNDI !, Jean-François LE CORRE

    Distribution: VIVEMENT LUNDI !

    Script: Bruno Collet

    Storyboard: Benjamin Botella

    Animation: Benjamin Botella