La mujer como imagen, el hombre como portador de la mirada

La mujer como imagen, el hombre como portador de la mirada
Woman as Image, Man as Bearer of the Look

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Faces, bodies, and actions are endlessly juxtaposed. Fragmented pieces of a woman come together and form the volume of what has been her image in the history of cinema.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: La mujer como imagen, el hombre como portador de la mirada

    Directed by: Carlos VELANDIA

    Country: Colombia

    Year of production: 2022

    Running time: 07 min 20 s

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: cut-outs, diverse techniques

    Version: Without dialogue or commentary

    Process: Colour

    Target public: Teens, Adults, Young adults

  • Credits

    Directed by: Carlos VELANDIA

    Production: PUNTO DE FUGA, Carlos VELANDIA