As aventuras de Fujiwara Manchester : Poesia em movimento

As aventuras de Fujiwara Manchester : Poesia em movimento
The Adventures of Fujiwara Manchester

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

These are the adventures of the space hero Fujiwara Manchester and his friends, in the most dangerous places in the Galaxy. Let's dance!

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: As aventuras de Fujiwara Manchester : Poesia em movimento

    Directed by: Alê CAMARGO, Camila CARROSSINE

    Country: Brazil

    Year of production: 2015

    Running time: 11 min 08 s

  • Technique

    Category: TV serie

    Techniques used: 3D computer

    Version: Version originale Portuguese STR FR

    Process: Colour

    Target public: Teens, , Young adults

  • Credits

    Directed by: Alê CAMARGO, Camila CARROSSINE

    Production: Arnaldo GALVÃO

    Artistic direction: Camila Carrossine

    Script: Alê Camargo

    Graphics: Fernando Faria, Andrew Probert

    Storyboard: Walter Quintin

    Animation: Marcelo Chiquillo, Rodrigo Mendes

    Music: Rodrigo Domingos

    Sound: Mauricio Fonteles