La collection de l’Afca : une vision internationale de l’animation / Afca Collection: an International Vision of Animation

The AFCA Collection: An International Vision of Animation

  1. Overview
  2. Description

This exhibition presents a chapter out of the history of animation around the world through material collected by the AFCA.

In 2015, the Association française du cinéma d'animation entrusted original material from its archives to the Annecy Museums.

Due to the incredible wealth of this collection, CITIA’s permanent exhibition space, the Universe of Animated Film, is presenting an overview to show the general public its diversity and international dimension that also reflects the AFCA’s commitment to promoting this moving art form without borders.

A major part of animation created all over the world during the 1960s through to the 1980s will be on display and is represented by graphic or visual material used for making the films or by original material from filmmakers coming from Italy (Emanuele Luzzati, Giulio Gianini, Bruno Bozzetto) or from Eastern European countries (Dušan Vukotić, Vatroslav Mimica, Nikola Kostelac, Nikola Majdak).

During the Annecy Festival, more treasures will be waiting to take you on a trip through these decades of animated history.