Annecy s'anime

"The Festival Welcomes Difference": In Conversation with Julie Dachez

  1. Overview
  2. Description

Have a greater understanding of DYS disorders, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and intellectual development disorders.

Researcher, author and lecturer, Julie's life changed 10 years ago when she was diagnosed with autism. She invites us to deconstruct representations and to consider autism in a new light. Through her account, she gives us tools to help shape a more inclusive society, especially regarding employment.

Free admission (subject to seating availability) – Reservation possible for all badgeholders

Accessible session: French sign language interpreting

In addition, non-stop from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm:

Presentation by Doctor Cécile Maugras, a neurologist specialised in neurodevelopment disorders

Immersive workshops: "Experience What it is Like to Have a Neurodevelopment Disorder" (virtual reality headsets, role play)

First-hand accounts of people affected

Signing session for Invisible Differences, with Julie Dachez (researcher, author and lecturer) and Mademoiselle Caroline (author and illustrator)  

Associations attending: OVA France Autisme, Autisme Éveil, AAPEI Épanou Dispositif Horizon, HyperSupers – TDAH France, APEDYS des deux Savoie, meeO, etc.

An exhibition of works by youngsters with autism spectrum disorders