J'ai fait la Fnac

J'ai fait la Fnac "Nekfeu"

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

This ad campaign showcases three celebrities - Nekfeu, Christophe Blain and Stéphane Lavoué - who share their own personal anecdotes of the famous French cultural retailer.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: J'ai fait la Fnac "Nekfeu"

    Directed by: Hugo RAMIREZ

    Country: France

    Year of production: 2015

    Running time: 30 s

  • Technique

    Category: Advertising film

    Techniques used: 3D computer

    Version: Version originale française

    Process: Colour

    Target public: Teens, Adults, , Family, Young adults, Preschool

  • Credits

    Directed by: Hugo RAMIREZ

    Production: EDDY PRODUCTION, Jean-François BOURREL, Élodie JONQUILLE

    Graphics: Hugo Ramirez

    Storyboard: Hugo Ramirez, Alexandre Édeline, Corentin Penloup

    Animation: Martin Richard, Nicolas Rivoire, Johanna Huck, Luc Journot, Luca Valente

    Compositing: David Sapyyapy

    Music: Etienne Perovitch

    Sound: Ugly Mac Beer, Fabien Girard, Vitch

    Editing: Juliette Délestaing

    Voice: Clemens Hourrière, Nekfeu