Distinguished Dinosaurs on a Quest to Fulfill a Promise!

Distinguished Dinosaurs on a Quest to Fulfill a Promise!

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Four newly civilised dinosaurs inherit a vast fortune from their adoptive father and are now on a quest to fulfill his final wish.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Distinguished Dinosaurs on a Quest to Fulfill a Promise!

    Directed by: M.R. HORHAGER, Juan Manuel URBINA

    Country: Canada, Colombia

  • Technique

    Category: TV series and specials

    Techniques used: 2D computer

    Target public: Family

  • Credits

    Directed by: M.R. HORHAGER, Juan Manuel URBINA

    Script writer: M.R. HORHAGER, Juan Manuel URBINA

    Composer: Manuel BORDA