Laaste woord

Laaste woord
Last Word

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A woman wanders through a city. The only one left who still speaks her language, she speaks as if to keep the words alive. When she calls to the mountains, they answer! With words she builds a road into the abyss to search for the one that answered.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Laaste woord

    Directed by: Diek GROBLER

    Country: South Africa

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: drawing on paper, 2D computer

    Target public: Adults

  • Credits

    Directed by: Diek GROBLER

    Production: Gerrie SNYMAN

    Script writer: Diek GROBLER, Martjie BOSMAN

    Graphic designer: Diek GROBLER

    Composer: Mart-Marie SNYMAN

    Based on: "Vanishing Voices", Martjie Bosman