L'Arbre à Palimpseste

L'Arbre à Palimpseste
The Tree of Palimpsest

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Granny Palimpsest is regularly solicited by Iba and Emeka to settle their daily conflicts. Rather than giving them a simple answer, she provides the analogy between their concerns and the life of an African historical figure. The storytelling begins.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: L'Arbre à Palimpseste

    Directed by: Ingrid AGBO, Sacha PERRIN-BAYARD

    Country: Togo

    Running time: 07 min × 104 episodes

  • Technique

    Category: TV series and specials

    Techniques used: 2D computer

    Target public: Kids

  • Credits

    Directed by: Ingrid AGBO, Sacha PERRIN-BAYARD

    Script writer: Ingrid AGBO, Sacha PERRIN-BAYARD, Raphaël LOURENÇO

    Graphic designer: Joseph RAHAMEFY, Angelo ANOSIKE, Mbuotidem JOHNSON, OLUWASEYI FAJIMI, Emordi BARNABAS

    Composer: Fabien MERTEN