Nosferatu tango

Nosferatu tango

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A mosquito falls in love with a vampire. Always in search of excitement, love, and blood, it goes in search of the fantastic Count Nosferatu, and dives into a weird and dangerous world.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Nosferatu tango

    Directed by: Zoltan HORVATH

    Country: France, Switzerland

    Year of production: 2002

    Running time: 12 min 48 s

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: pastel on paper, 2D/3D computer

    Version: Without dialogue or commentary

    Process: Colour

    Target public: All audiences

  • Credits

    Directed by: Zoltan HORVATH

    Production: LE MUR DU SON CINÉMA, Irédé BADA

    Distribution: NADASDY FILM, Zoltan HORVATH

    Script: Zoltán Horváth

    Graphics: Zoltán Horváth

    Storyboard: Zoltán Horváth

    Layout: David Hodgetts, Boris Rabusseau, Zoltán Horváth

    Sets: Zoltán Horváth

    Animation: David Hodgetts, Boris Rabusseau

    Camera: Zoltán Horváth

    Music: Laurent Ecabert, Jean-Michel Daviron

    Sound: François Loubeyre

    Editing: Zoltán Horváth

    Voice: Philippe Vauville