The Scarecrow

The Scarecrow

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

The family is outing. Mother and father are laying the picnic table, the small ones start playing on a meadow. The hen wanders into somebody's vegetable patch and is scared to half-death seeing a scarecrow. Everybody starts looking for her and the little brother encounters a snake. But the chicken is brave now and ends up as the hero of the day.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: The Scarecrow

    Directed by: Andres TENUSAAR

    Country: Estonia

    Year of production: 2007

    Running time: 05 min

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: puppets

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Andres TENUSAAR

    Production: OÜ NUKUFILM, Arvo NUUT, Mait LAAS

    Script: Leelo Tungal, Peep Pedmanson

    Sets: Heigo Eeriksoo, Erik Alunurm, Mait Erik, Ene Mellov, Piret Saarepuu, Külli Jaama

    Animation: Marili Sokk, Triin Sarapik-Kivi, Andres Tenusaar

    Camera: Ragnar Neljandi

    Music: Tonu Korvits, Tiit Kikas

    Sound: Tina Andreas, Horret Kuus

    Editing: Andres Tenusaar, Ragnar Neljandi