

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A severely wounded young soldier in a trench and a bunch of hungry rats from the battlefield try to find an answer to the question "Who is Lili Marleen?". Could she be a vivid memory of a first sexual encounter with a prostitute?

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Lili

    Directed by: Riho UNT

    Country: Estonia

    Year of production: 2008

    Running time: 14 min

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: puppets, live action

    Process: Colour

    Target public: Adults

  • Credits

    Directed by: Riho UNT

    Production: OÜ NUKUFILM, Arvo NUUT

    Distribution: OÜ NUKUFILM, Kerdi OENGO

    Artistic direction: Riho Unt

    Script: Riho Unt

    Graphics: Raivo Möllits, Villem Tammaru

    Storyboard: Riho Unt

    Layout: Elo Soode, Riho Unt

    Animation: Märt Kivi, Andres Tenusaar, Marili Toome, Triin Sarapik-Kivi

    Camera: Ragnar Neljandi

    Music: Malle Maltis

    Sound: Horret Kuus

    Editing: Riho Unt, Ragnar Neljandi