Teisel pool metsa

Teisel pool metsa
On the Other Side of the Woods

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A fairy tale full of light, magic and nostalgia. A clay doll awakens her surroundings that become a surreal world in a constant flow of change. Shot with natural light, the visible changes of daylight emphasise the passing of time.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Teisel pool metsa

    Directed by: Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG

    Country: Estonia

    Year of production: 2014

    Running time: 10 min 09 s

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: animated objects, puppets, clay, pixilation

    Target public: Adults

  • Credits

    Directed by: Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG

    Production: Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG, OÜ NUKUFILM, Andrus RAUDSALU

    Distribution: Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG

    Artistic direction: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg

    Script: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg

    Animation: Olga Bulgakova

    Camera: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg

    Music: Sander Põldsaar

    Sound: Horret Kuus

    Editing: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg, Sander Põldsaar