First edition of the ''Animated screenplay'' forum

  1. Overview
  2. Description

Advice for graphic authors, directors and screenwriters on how to strengthen narrative aspects of their projects ...

This is the aim of the first edition of the ''Animated screenplay'' forum, initiated by the CNC and supported by l'Association française du cinéma d'animation (Afca), the SACD, les Auteurs groupés de l'animation française (Agraf) and the Conservatoire européen d'écriture audiovisuelle (CEEA).
Vincent Costi, Olivier Cotte, Catherine Cuenca, Fabrice Fouquet, Pascal Mirleau, Diane Morel, Anne Claire N'Leh, Stéphane Piera and Magali Pouzol are the designated artistic consultants.
They will asses the winning projects over two hours.
We would like to thank them for taking the time to be a part of this.
Restricted to short films selected under the Call for projects 2011.