Projection plein air sur le Pâquier - Annecy 2013

Feature film Annecy 2014

  1. Overview
  2. Description

Which feature from the official selection will be chosen for the open-air screening this year? Suspense on the Pâquier…

With the Pâquier as a backdrop, night falls. Just like little jiggling puppets, men, women and children arrive. The images flash by. Then the spectators get settled in and silence reigns.

After a very animated week, tonight's the night the Festival will write "The End"... until next year. But before the end, there's time to celebrate, and everyone on the Pâquier is eager to see the chosen feature film.

The Cristal, the Audience Award...Which one will it be? Nobody knows. Except perhaps this gracious Capricorn that, from its vantage point between the lake and the mountains, has been watching over the jury and festivalgoers throughout this year's event.