
Stop-motion: Contemporary Tales

  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Films

Four films, four stories, four fables that speak to us with humour and mockery about the world we live in.

Starting out with Garri Bardine and his off-the-wall rendition of Little Red Riding Hood, in which he transforms Perraults's fairy tale into a supercharged musical set in the tension-wrought USSR purturbed by Perestroïka.

The programme continues with The Suspect, a suspenseful comedy by José Miguel Ribeiro who conceives a patchwork plot by borrowing ideas from Agatha Christie.

With The Bourchnikov Method, Grégoire Sivan dreamt up the mysterious fate of a film genius, a parody version of Stanley Kubrick, where his son decides to finish his last film, 25 years after his disappearance.

And finally, Esterhazy by Izabela Plucinska takes us to Berlin during the Cold War, where the no man's land between the East and the West becomes a rabbit's paradise. With multiple references to 20th century history, Esterhazy is a true political fantasy made into a children's film.


  • Sery volk end krasnaïa chapotchka

    Russia - Garri BARDINE

  • A suspeita

    Portugal - José Miguel RIBEIRO

  • La Méthode Bourchnikov

    France - Gregoire SIVAN

  • Esterhazy

    Poland, Germany - Izabela PLUCINSKA