Le Film des Schtroumpfs / The Smurfs Movie
WIP - Annecy 2014

The Smurfs Movie

  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Speakers
  4. Moderator

Sony Pictures Animation presents an all new approach to its Smurfs franchise, which will not be a sequel of the two live-action/CG movies. This fully computer-animated feature will instead be closer to Peyo's original Smurfs artwork. Director Kelly Asbury (Shrek 2, Gnomeo & Juliet) and President of Sony Pictures Digital Productions Bob Osher will explore how the character designs, environments and world created by Peyo were translated into CG, and the inspiration behind this brand new Smurfs project.

Adaptation: "Les Schtroumpfs", Peyo

Nationality: USA

Release date: 2015

Genre: Adventure

Public: childs, teenagers, young adults, adults

Development stage: Production

Synopsis: The all-new, fully computer-animated Smurfs feature film tells the original story of how everything began for our beloved little blue creatures.


  • Kelly ASBURY
    Kelly ASBURY

    Sony Pictures Animation


  • Bob OSHER
    Bob OSHER

    Sony Pictures Animation



  • Dimitri GRANOVSKY
    Dimitri GRANOVSKY

    Professor, Publisher
