Sony Pictures Television

  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Speaker

Reserve a meeting with Craig Hunter between Friday 29th May and Wednesday 10th June, and join him on Friday 19th June, at 10:00-12:00 midday (Central European Time - CET).

Come and discover the projects and programs sought by Sony Picture Television.

What is your editorial strategy?

Our editorial strategy is to acquire high-quality series with substantial amounts of episodes on offer for us to launch with. Ideally, the series should be fully financed as we generally acquire on a straight license policy and are currently not involved in any co-productions, we are open to pre-purchases but again the types of fees we offer would be very similar to that of a straight acquisition on an already/soon to be produced show.

What type of projects/programs are you looking for?

Ideally 52 x 11’s works best across our portfolio with shorter durations of 5-7 minutes also of interest for our upper-preschool channel. We would consider 22’ for our two older skewing channels of POP and POP Max only. In terms of genre, content with strong emphasis on comedy, friendship and adventure is important to us. We don’t take pure action or action-adventure titles for any of our channel brands. Non-dialogue content is also considered up to up to 11’ in duration.


We prioritize mostly animated titles (CGI and 2D) however we are also keen to expand our offering within the live-action and hybrid space, this is something we are actively looking for across our portfolio.

Session in English


  • Craig HUNTER
    Craig HUNTER

    Director of Kids Networks