
  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Speaker

Come and discover the projects and programs sought by Globo.

What is your editorial strategy?

Our editorial strategies are focused on brand-oriented animated and live-action shows that will potentially resonate amongst children from 4-7 (Gloobinho) and 8-12 (Gloob) as well as enhance our 360° strategy. We intend to bring together international partners, aiming at projects with great international appeal.

What type of projects/programs are you looking for?

We are looking for projects of character-driven adventure series that we can get onboard at an early stage to help finance and codevelop a new international blockbuster, with potential for L&M and Consumer Products.

Session in English


  • Luiz Filipe FIGUEIRA
    Luiz Filipe FIGUEIRA

    Head of Licensing Content Strategy - Programming for the Non-Sports PayTV Channels