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Broadcasting srategies for cross-media products and future prospects for producers

  1. Overview

Cross-media has now become reality for international broadcasters and is often given its own structure. At the same time, understanding the markets and their accompanying strategies can be different from one broadcaster to the next. These different case studies will be looking into the following questions:
- Is cross-media the answer to the division of audiences?
- What is the best way to manage the interaction between the channel and the “new screens”?
- How should or will cross-media change dealings with content providers?

Nowadays, there is nothing exceptional in distributing IP across multiple platforms. However, this obvious fact raises a number of questions for producers and distributors, the first being “What is the market”, which in turn leads to further interrogation on such subjects as development, funding or exploitation. Samka Productions and Cake Entertainment will be talking about their experience, projects and expectations in the matter. Greg Childs will be sharing his vision as a consultant on the present and future of the market, its difficulties and possibilities.