Le Baron de Crac
Baron Münchausen

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

The stories of Baron Münchhausen were enriched by Karel Zeman with a character of a modern astronaut Tommy and compare two different worlds - the world of a rococo cavalier whose fantasy does not have any limits and the world of a young man of the present time. The astronaut (Rudolf Jelínek) finds on the moon the famous dreamer Baron Münchhausen (Milos Kopecký), who takes him back to earth and a variety of exaggerated adventures. Amusing variation on the old stories, using live action against deliberately artificial backgrounds.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Le Baron de Crac

    Directed by: Karel ZEMAN

    Country: Czech Republic

    Year of production: 1961

    Running time: 01 h 23 min

  • Technique

    Category: Feature film

    Techniques used: live action, cut-outs

    Version: Version originale tchèque sous-titrée français

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Karel ZEMAN


    Distribution: MALAVIDA FILMS

    Based on: "Le Baron de Münchausen", Gottfried Bürger, Gustave Doré

    Script: Karel Zeman

    Sets: Zdenek Rozkopal

    Camera: Jiri Tarantik

    Music: Zdenek Liska