Mémoire fossile
Fossil Memory

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A young boy discovers the life of his miner grandfather through a stethoscope. From the house where the old man died of silicosis, the child goes on a visual and audio journey back in time. For him it's a first time experience, from which he emerges conscious of history and eager to remember.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Mémoire fossile

    Directed by: Anne-Laure TOTARO, Arnaud DEMUYNCK

    Country: France, Belgium

    Year of production: 2009

    Running time: 10 min

  • Technique


    Techniques used: 2D computer, drawing on cels

  • Credits

    Directed by: Anne-Laure TOTARO, Arnaud DEMUYNCK

    Production: LES FILMS DU NORD, Arnaud DEMUYNCK

    Distribution: LES FILMS DU NORD, Arnaud DEMUYNCK

    Script: Arnaud Demuynck

    Graphics: Anne-Laure Totaro

    Animation: Anne-Laure Totaro, Nicolas Liguori

    Compositing: Johan Pollefoort, Léopold Joris, Nicolas Liguori

    Music: Falter Bramnk

    Sound: Falter Bramnk

    Editing: Nicolas Liguori