April and the Extraordinary World

  • French version
  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Films

Winner of the Cristal for a Feature Film at last year’s Annecy Festival, "April and the Extraordinary World" depicts an imaginary society that’s stuck in the pre-industrial era.

In 1941, Napoleon V reigns over France where scientists and scholars have been mysteriously disappearing for decades, depriving the world of major inventions. There are no tools of communication or airplanes.

In this society governed by coal, April sets off in search of her parents, two scientists who went missing. Darwin, her talking cat, and Julius, a young scoundrel, help her along the way.

Come and take part in the unlikely trio’s adventures as they fight against the censorship of knowledge in this extraordinary world.



  • Avril et le Monde truqué

    France, Canada, Belgium - Franck EKINCI, Christian DESMARES