Animation Film: filmmaking secrets

  1. Overview
  2. Description

Enter into the great filmmakers world of animation and discover what goes on behind the scenes of creating an animated film.

The exhibition displays a selection of works from film animation collections preserved by the Musées d’Annecy, focusing on production techniques of an animated film.

Discover original documents showing the many techniques that breathe life into the drawings, puppets or other unexpected materials, like a handful of sand! You will learn that all objects or materials can spring to life thanks to image-by-image recording successive positions, known as stop motion.

Animation film in reality produces imaginary movement, that is invented between each consecutive shot. The screenplay, moods, sets, characters, accompanied by the soundtrack, original score and sound effects, reinforce this illusion of movement.

For all animation lovers: this is a must see exhibition!

For more information about the exhibition.