Divergence Heads to the International Animation Film Festival! #1

  1. Overview
  2. Description

This year, sign language is in the spotlight!

Espace Pi: Discovering French Deaf Culture

Alone or with the family, friends or colleagues, this session allows you to take part in French sign language discovery workshops and test vibration vests.

Find out about the Plateforme Ville d’accueil des personnes sourdes et malentendantes (ACCEO) – platform for the deaf and hearing impaired – by attending this presentation.

Born deaf, the lawyer and lecturer Virginie Delalande will be present for a Signing Session for her book Abandonner ? Jamais ! (Give up? Never!)

The deaf sculptor and artist Pierrot Arthurion will create a work about sign language live. A must-see performance!

Continue the experience at 8:15 pm at the Cinéma Le Mikado in the presence of Virginie Delalande, followed by the screening of the animation film A Silent Voice in the presence of its Director Naoko Yamada.

For more information, please visit the City of Annecy's website, or contact action.sociale@annecy.fr.